What are the advantages of PVC in sheets vs. aluminum?

What are the advantages of PVC in sheets vs. aluminum?

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) (C2H3Cl)n2 is the product of the polymerization of vinyl chloride monomer. It is the most versatile plastic derivative. It can be produced by four different processes: suspension, emulsion, mass and solution.

It occurs as a white material that begins to soften around 80 °C and decomposes above 140 °C. It is an addition polymer and also a resin that results from the polymerization of vinyl chloride or chloroethene. It has a very good electrical resistance and flame.

Molecular structure

Structurally, PVC is a vinyl polymer. It is similar to polyethylene with the difference that every two carbon atoms, one of the hydrogen atoms is replaced by a chlorine atom. It is produced by means of a free radical polymerization of vinyl chloride.

PVC sheets

These replace the metal sheets, since they do not corrode, so their useful life is more than 40 years. They allow greater comfort for the staff, due to their excellent thermal insulation properties, this allows you to save air conditioning costs.



      • A highly anticorrosive material, resistant to aggressive environments.

      • Resistant to hail and hurricanes of 200 km/h winds, practically unbreakable

      • High resistance to UV rays

      • It is a highly resistant material, PVC sheets can last up to more than 40 years

      • Due to the chlorine atoms that are part of the PVC polymer, it does not burn easily or burn on its own and ceases to burn once the heat source is removed.

      • It is effectively used to insulate and protect because it is a dielectric material.

      • Profitable. Low installation cost.

    PVC Sheets vs Aluminum Sheets

    When thinking about an installation with sheets, you have to take into account
    always the cost-benefit, and in the case of SIESA fse 2 PVC sheets,
    both in cost and benefit, great use is obtained in comparison
    of the typical material that is aluminum. We present later the points to
    highlight about PVC compared to aluminum.


        • Aluminum is a metal that, like the rest of them, is a good conductor of temperature, while PVC is a non-conductive plastic material, and for this reason it is better equipped as a thermal insulator than aluminum.

        • Both materials can be recycled, the case of aluminum practically in its entirety, while the recycling of PVC produces a material with different features from the original but reusable in the manufacture, for example, of floors and coverings.

        • Aluminum -a metallic element- is not very insulating against noise, while PVC has sound insulation as one of its great properties. In addition, the welding of the profiles carried out with the same material, as in the case of thermal insulation, guarantees total sealing.

        • In order to ignite aluminum, much higher temperatures are necessary than in the case of PVC, although the PVC used in the manufacture of enclosures by Metalistería Ballesteros fully complies with existing regulations on safety in construction and the emission of gases and its concentration is lower thanks to its quality.

        • PVC, as a natural insulator, practically prevents condensation completely; in the case of aluminium, to avoid it we must cause a separation between the elements of the profile that increase its insulation (known as RPT or "Thermal Break").

      • Regarding the installation costs, the comparison between PVC and aluminum indicates that for the same benefits, in the case of sheets for roofing, PVC offers cheaper costs than aluminum, especially in installation, since it does not require special equipment as in the case of aluminum.



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