fiberglass profiles
When we refer to fiberglass profiles, we are talking about a series of fundamental pieces to build different buildings. These skeletons are made up of squares, angles, channels, screeds, beams and other basic elements. They are the ones that guarantee greater safety and versatility to the works that will be the object of different uses.
What are they made of?
Profiles made from fiberglass stand out for offering improvements to some characteristics that profiles made of aluminum, steel or other materials have. Our fiberglass profiles are used to build offices, hospitals, shopping malls, stores, electricity pylons, and other large-scale works. It is a very durable material that also offers great flexibility.
On this occasion we will discuss some of the advantages of the structural profile made of fiberglass reinforced plastic.
In construction there are elements that are basic and on which the adequate construction of any type of structure depends, the profiles are one of these elements. Its key function is to to distribute construction loads and support the weight of materials and that generated by use, that is, furniture, people, among others.
The charge they receive causes very high voltages that reach critical points. To prevent the profiles from twisting or fracturing, it is necessary that they have excellent mechanical behavior, for this reasonn ice that traditionally the beams used are made of iron or steel, with different alloys, depending on their purpose.
But in recent decades, materials have been developed that are more economical that are more light and have mechanical behavior similar to steel and other metals.
El material The most popular and used for the manufacture of structural profiles is fiberglass reinforced plastic, which has a wide range of applications and offers a unique combination of corrosion resistance (contrary to metals), high mechanical resistance and directional stability. A fundamental characteristic is that it is a very light material, which significantly reduces the weight of the structures and therefore their installation costs.
They are not thermal or electrical conductors y unlike metals, which have a high conductivity to heat and electricity, making them ideal in a wide variety of industries where high temperatures or high voltage electrical currents are used, which can put workers at risk.
Fiberglass profiles offer a long useful life and require little maintenance, so in different areas where steel, aluminum or wood components were traditionally used, fiberglass is currently used. It is a very economical and it can be manufactured in any shape, color or dimension.
Where can they be used?
Today they are used in a wide variety of industries, among which the architectural and commercial branches, the food and beverage industry, the manufacturing industry, mining, wastewater treatment, the chemical industry, oil and gas, stand out. gas, in the energy industry, in the construction of bridges and highways and in many others more.
Advantages of fiberglass reinforced plastic profiles
In addition to its price and versatility, fiberglass reinforced plastic profiles offer several advantages, making them a better option than steel or iron in various situations. Among some of the advantages that we can highlight are:
- Corrosion resistance. These profiles are manufactured with a combination of polyester and fiberglass, both materials are known for their ability to provide resistance to corrosion in the most aggressive environments and levels of exposure to chemical substances. In the same way, they do not produce oxidation when exposed to the weather or, as in the case of bridges, submerged in fresh or salt water. They also usually have finishes to protect them from ultraviolet radiation, a factor that usually accelerates the corrosion or oxidation of various materials.
- Little maintenance. The anticorrosive and antioxidant properties of fiberglass profiles and other products made from these materials reduce or in some cases eliminate the need to clean, scrape or repaint them, contrary to the various metals that require continuous maintenance. Its materials are easy to clean with high pressure hydro washers, without losing the quality of its finish.
- Fire retardant. Despite the fact that polymers are considered flammable products, when they are combined with other elements -such as fiberglass-, they acquire unique properties. In this case, our profiles are fire retardant and are rated with a spread of flame 15, within international standards.
- Its materials are considered self-extinguishing, so they are ideal in areas prone to fire or handling of highly flammable.
- Low installation cost. Because their materials are lightweight and easy to use in construction, fiberglass reinforced plastic structural profiles eliminate the need for heavy material loading equipment; welding equipment is not required for the joints and they significantly reduce the weight of the structures, so the foundations and columns require less reinforcement to provide the same resistance.
- Long duration. Fiberglass products provide durability and high resistance to corrosion, They are an excellent option in the most demanding applications and that's why they have a longer useful life a we traditional materials such as wood and steel.
- They do not conduct electricity or heat. As we have mentioned, fiberglass does not conduct electricity and has a low thermal conductivity radius.
Due to these advantages, fiberglass profiles have gained more and more importance in the market in the various industries that we have mentioned, meeting the highest standards and construction demands.
Fiberglass structures are a perfect material for construction in general, and in YES THAT You will have access to a very wide selection of fiberglass structures and grids.
Our Engineers will be able to guide you throughout the process from the selection of materials to the start-up of your work to turn your project into a reality.
Applications of pultruded products
- Digital Platforms
- Stairs
- trench covers
- Canopies
- access ramps
- Ceilings
- Walls
- trenches
- Hallways and industrial floors
- Industrial ships