It consists of seeing the resistance of a material to fire. For this, the test procedure indicated in the International Standard ASTM E-84-12 "Standard test method for the characteristics of superficial burns of construction materials" (NFPA 255, ANSI / UL 723 and UBC 9-1) must be followed. ) In which it is indicated in detail how it should be done to be sure that it is so resistant.
The result can be measured through the following graph;
To explain the flame spread index, it is taken as an absolute value in a range from 0 to 100, where the absolute 0 of this graph corresponds to the phlegm spread index of a concrete, which as we all know, is a non-material material. fuel. And where 100 corresponds to the flame spread index of a fine wood, which is a very easy material to burn.
Now, if we decrease the value of 100, as this number decreases, it means that it has a greater resistance to fire and when it already has a value equal to or less than 12, it is considered that this material is not fuel.
Flame Spread Index in SIESA products
For example, our company has 4 products that can be affected by fire. Phase 2 PVC sheets have a flame spread index of 12, being considered a material not fuel.
On the other hand, we have fiberglass gratings, profiles and cable trays that have a flame spread index of 15, which is considered a material not fuel. It indicates that it is a material with a very high resistance to fire.
Our products made of fiberglass (reinforced plastic) are an effective option against possible construction accidents. This is how we distinguish ourselves from our competition, who offer products with a Flame Spread Index of 25.