fiberglass gratings

fiberglass gratings

fiberglass gratings

Fiberglass gratings are made of vinylester, epoxy, and polyester resins. The use of these structural elements has grown in the industrial and commercial sectors. The resin and fiberglass combination is ten times more flexible than steel, but stronger.

1. Pultruded (irving type). It is made up of a fiberglass composite polymer that provides great structural efficiency. For industrial and construction uses, functions of floor gratings, platforms, trenches, steps, cat steps, drains. HE

The types of fiberglass grating that exist are:

They are characterized by being lighter than those made of metal. For highly degrading environments, with low heat conduction.

2. Molded. They are composed of 65% polymer and 35%

glass. With high resistance to corrosion for very conditions

adverse as the processes of chemical complexes

industrial, petrochemical, electroplating, mining, copper,

offshore platforms, wastewater treatment, for their

floor installations, platforms, corridors, steps, etc.

Its characteristics: They must be very effective in their elements, they can be designed to provide a specific range of mechanical properties, such as tensile strength, flexural strength, impact and compression resistance, in the same way they resist some of their best properties is that they do highly resistant to corrosion.

  • fire retardant
  • Light weight
  • Impact Resistant
  • Easy installation
  • maintenance free
  • Service life of more than 40 years
  • dielectric behaviour:

Polymer matrix composite materials have excellent properties. Fiberglass is 10 times more flexible than steel, but it is stronger. This makes fiberglass gratings very practical.

*Installation reference*

Loewenstein, KL. (1973). The Manufacturing Technology of Continuous Glass Fibers. USA: Elsevier Scientific.

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